Formative Assessment:

We made use of a quiz based on the reading material(s) used.

The quiz is mainly on the types of motivation.

The formative assessment will be recorded by/on a Google Form for students to get immediate feedback to know their progress. This feedback is to give the students where they fall short and the needed improvement.

Summative Assessment

The summative assessment is an essay type questions (assignment), a presentation, and a research report, which will be graded for students. Each student’s final grade will comprise of marks from both formative and summative assessments.

BC  High School Grading Scheme:

F (fail)0–49%
I (incomplete)0–49%
Wayback Machine (n. d.)

Rationale for The Assessment

The purpose for using formative assessment is to provide students the opportunity to actively get involved in the learning process, give them feedback as they progress so that we can help address gaps in knowledge or misunderstandings about the concept.

We also made use of summative assessment to assess student’s overall understanding of what was presented to them throughout the lesson, their performance, and to grade them.

When designing our assessments and lessons as a whole, we followed the “learning cycle” (Conrad & Openo, 2018)approach by first teaching each concept, then assessing the concept formatively in relation to the learning outcome, culminating in the summative assessment.