Motivations and its Importance of Teaching and Learning

Category: Assessments

Research Report (Individual)

This is the last assignment which is valued 30% by individual.

Having gone through all of the course outline and these 3 assignments, you need to write a research report to answer one of the following questions with the help of an online research papers, journals of professional resources.

Requirements: Double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font size, Title page and page numbers, references list with minimum 3 resources, 600 – 800 words, name at top right, submit by PDF format

  1. How does motivation influence perseverance in learning?
  2. What is the relationship between motivation and academic achievement or performance?
  3. How can educators foster motivation to improve learning outcomes?

Presentation (Group)

This presentation is valued 30 % by group.

Having gone through Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation, you need choose one of them for a presentation to a class or group of people.

Requirements: PPT format, 10-15 pages, finish in 3 to 5 minutes

Your presentation should cover:

  • Introduction
  • Definition
  • Examples
  • Two merits and demerits of the type you chose
  • How your selected type can improve learning among students.
  • Conclusion

Reflective Essay (Individual)

This essay is valued 20% by individual.

Having gone through Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation and The Impact of Extrinsic Motivation on Learning Outcomes & The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Learning Outcomes, you need to choose one of the two topic to write a reflective essay.

Requirements: Double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font size, 400-500 words, name at top right, submit by PDF format

Types of Motivation: Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic

  1. How do extrinsic and intrinsic motivation differ in their impact on learning?
  2. Can extrinsic motivation be transformed into intrinsic motivation? If so, how?
  3. In what situations might one type of motivation be more effective than the other?

The Impact of Motivation on Learning Outcomes

  1. How does motivation influence perseverance in learning?
  2. What is the relationship between motivation and academic performance?
  3. How can educators foster motivation to improve learning outcomes?

Quiz of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations

This quiz is valued 20%

Having gone through Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation, you need to finish this quiz individually.

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